WARENA Distribution Portal
Claim Your Vesting
Let us detect if you have any unclaimed RENA in seed or private round by connecting to your wallet first.
How it works
Connect Wallet
Connect to Metamask Wallet
- Please install Metamask wallet extension on your browser or Metamask Mobile App on your phone.
- Make sure you already selected Binance Smart Chain Mainnet on Metamask wallet.
- Make sure you already connected to your Contribution Wallet Address on Metamask.
Claim Your Vesting
Select vesting round and claim
- Select the vesting round you would like to claim tokens. Check your token information before claim.
- "Available" is the remaining token balance after deducting the claimed tokens.
- "Claimed" is the number of tokens you already claimed.
- "Claimable" is the current number of tokens you allowed to claim.
Confirm Transaction
Confirm to claim on Metamask
- Confirm paying gas fee on Metamask to proceed the claimed transaction.
- After confirmation, the transaction hash will be displayed on the screen.
- Click on transaction hash to view detail transaction on BscScan. Recheck your wallet and contact us if you have not received your tokens.